Archive for March, 2009|Monthly archive page

Listenters set the Gringa straight!

cclglogo1It’s one thing to have fans, but it’s another thing to have fans that help you get the facts straight! This morning on CCLG, my board opp/producer Chico David and I spent about 20 minutes talking about the Spanish conquest of the Americas and we both a few facts wrong. For those of your listening today, here is one listener’s attempt at setting the record straight:

1) it’s Hernan Cortez not Juan

2) Cortez dealt with the Aztec’s (and their language of Nahuatl) not
as much with the Maya’s

3) It was pale skin not white hair, but that is up to debate

4) The word Chico David was looking for was Arabic, not Saudi Arabian.
Classical Spanish has a number of Arabic words
( since
they were there for so long.  Heck Aceituna’s (the bar) vs Al-Zaituna
(Mediterranean restaurant) both mean olive.

And at that point I had to turn off the radio, since it looks weird
when you are yelling at the radio, let alone yelling at the radio and
driving at the same time.


Thanks to Carlos, we were able to get the right info out on the air by the time the show was over! Keep listening fans and help us get the right message out!

Your 2009 Mantra = Trim the Fat, Keep the Meat

One area, besides my job, that I have a renewed energy for is my personal mantra (which in 2008 was “Be Positive.  Be Hopeful. Be in the Now.”) – and this year’s mantra is really right on. “Trim the fat, keep the meat.” It falls in the same vein as “Less is more,” cclglogobut it’s sexier. “Trim the fat, keep the meat” is going to be a new segment on CCLG! That’s right! Each day, we’re going to focus on one thing you can do to shed the glut, cut costs, save energy, etc. After the Spanish word of the Day (in the first 30 minutes of the show) we’ll move onto the Trim the fat, keep the meat segment. It’s official. How fun is that? Yesterday we discussed several ideas: brew your own coffee and carry a thermos, take the bus to work, don’t go out to dinner every nigth of the week. Tune in from 10 a.m. to noon on 920 am and call in your “Trim the fat, keep the meat” idea, 915.544.0920. –Lisa Degliantoni, host of Charlando con la Gringa, 920 AM